As the season of colors approaches, it's time to indulge in the essence of Holi with a classic Indian delight - Thandai. This traditional flavored drink not only refreshes the senses but also adds a touch of cultural richness to your celebrations. Join us on a culinary journey as we explore the art of crafting the perfect Thandai for your festive gatherings.


- 1 cup almonds, blanched and peeled

- 1/2 cup cashews

- 1/4 cup pistachios

- 2 tablespoons poppy seeds (khus khus)

- 2 tablespoons melon seeds

- 1 tablespoon fennel seeds

- 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns

- 1 tablespoon cardamom pods

- 1 teaspoon saffron strands

- 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)

- 4 cups whole milk

- Ice cubes (for serving)

- Rose petals and chopped nuts (for garnish)


1. Preparation: Begin by soaking the almonds, cashews, pistachios, poppy seeds, and melon seeds in water for a few hours or overnight. This step helps soften the nuts and seeds for easier blending.

2. Blending the Mix: Drain the soaked nuts and seeds and transfer them to a blender. Add fennel seeds, black peppercorns, cardamom pods, saffron strands, and sugar. Pour in a cup of milk to facilitate blending. Blend until you achieve a smooth paste-like consistency.

3. Straining the Mixture: Place a fine-mesh sieve over a large bowl and pour the blended mixture through it. Use a spoon or spatula to press down on the mixture, extracting as much liquid as possible. Discard the leftover residue or use it as a base for desserts.

4. Mixing with Milk: Pour the strained mixture back into the blender and add the remaining milk. Blend until well combined and frothy.

5. Chilling and Serving: Transfer the Thandai mixture into a pitcher and refrigerate for at least an hour to chill. When ready to serve, pour the Thandai into glasses filled with ice cubes. Garnish with rose petals and chopped nuts for a festive touch.

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